The Way Forward Foundation

In a joint collaborative effort with The Department of Education, The Way Forward Foundation has successfully provided meals to children all over Los Angeles County. Our dream 9 years ago was met through a vision to provide healthy meals to our communities education system FREE of charge. Project 1 is a currently an operational program.

​We are in the vision stage of Project 2, which consists of both Female and Male Adult Care Facilities that serve our community by doing it's share to battle "CDCR Recidivism" and "Chronic Homelessness." We want to provide a Re-Entry Program designed to meet all Clinical, Social and Work Training required to give our clients the help they need to be successful in the community.

​​Partnered with Nail and Hammer Construction Corporation, The Way Forward Foundation plans on reopening an On The Job Training Program designed to teach all trades of construction. This program will provide young men and women with the opportunity to be able to find employment in an always hiring industry.

​Our "Book Drive" Project provides literature for children and young adults in County and State facilities. We are always counting on your donations of new and used books to help our community get excited about literacy.

Our "Green Project" is our commitment to the most basic of recycling to give to our children a healthy and vibrant planet the way it was intended to be lived upon. The Way Forward is a loyal advocate of a The Green Initiative and helps to create litter pick up events in and around our community.

​Our "Playground Project" is in the works. We here at TWF, would like to help find funding to provide playground and park activities in Los Angeles County. This will keep our children safe and busy with healthy activities.